Easy to install. Affordable price. The go to tool that every cPanel Administrator needs!

Installer Script
ctb_install, Binary file, 1.4 KB

Uninstaller Script
ctb_uninstall, Binary file, 278 B
Install CPToolBox to server
SSH into server as Root
# wget cpaneltools.com/whm/plugins/ctb/ctb_install.sh
# chmod +x ctb_install.sh
# sh ctb_install.sh
Go to WHM > Plugins > CPToolBox
Click "Update License" and add your key
Uninstall CPToolBox from server
SSH into server as Root
# wget cpaneltools.com/whm/plugins/ctb/ctb_uninstall.sh
# chmod +x ctb_uninstall.sh
# sh ctb_uninstall.sh